
Landscaping and planting

This service is aimed at creating bright and healthy green areas that fit harmoniously into the overall design of the site. We provide a full cycle of landscaping - from choosing plants to planting and caring for them at the initial stages.

Plant selection:
Depending on your climate, soil type and site conditions, we select plants that are easily adaptable and do not require complex care. These can be flowering shrubs, conifers, perennial flowers or ornamental grasses.

We strictly follow the planting rules so that the plants can quickly take root. Planting depth, distance between plants, watering - everything is taken into account by our specialists so that the plants begin to grow without stress and damage.

Mulching and fertilizing:
For each plant, we select the right fertilizers and mulching methods that will help retain moisture and protect the roots. This also helps prevent the growth of weeds and improve the overall condition of the soil.

Watering and subsequent care:
We provide watering in the first weeks after planting, which is important for successful rooting of plants. Also, if necessary, we organize an automatic watering system so that your plants always receive the required amount of water.